Thursday, November 15, 2007

It always feels good to see old friends in Cagayan de Oro even though I know that I am taking away time from their family and from work. Jessie is always there where he is, tending to his store and always willing to share a smoke and a story. Cagayan de Oro has all of my old friends in her embrace and it is comforting to know that they will be there when I come to visit them. Cagayan de Oro is kind of my home even if I no longer have a place to lay my head there except for a rented room which is hot and uncomfortable in the afternoon but is right smack in the middle of the city which makes it really convenient. Roy is always busy and unavailable and in the few times that I had been in Cagayan de Oro he was always difficult to find.

ice-age, ice-cream, ice-skating, identity-crisis, identity-theft, illness, impotence, incense, incontinence, india, indiana, indianapolis, infants , infertility, information-technology , intel-amd, intent, intention, interfaith , internal-medicine, internal-revenue, international-law, international-trade, internet-marketing, internet-phone, internet-radio, internet, invasion, invasive-surgery , invention, ion, islam, islamic-extremism,

Luis is always where he is but the conversation has been difficult of late. Romy is not always in
Cagayan de Oro. Work takes him to different places where he might spend days and nights. Adelo is the busiest one of all which just suits me fine because I just cannot stand his anal humor. Still and all, I like it in Cagayan de Oro and I look forward to my next visit. I guess I could say that Cagayan de Oro feels like home to me more than any other city

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I tried hard to push this on the search pages and I could not manage that at all. Somehow I wanted to find this on the pages of the search engines. Then light bulb flashed inside my head, I could stop pushing this blog and begin pushing Ching's World for the same keywords. Cagayan de Oro is really the main subject of this website and so a campaign was born. It is quite exciting and I monitor the movement of the website in the search pages everyday which could be quite tedious except for the fact that I .started finding the website listed on the pages of the search engines results. Someday I hope to find that Cagayan de Oro has fully accepted my efforts .

I am supposed to be in Cagayan de Oro City but things got a little unclear and I I got stuck in Dumaguete on occasion, I go to Cebu but really I would rather be in Cagayan de Oro City where I can start the tarp business. Right now I need to do a few more things before I finally can make the trip back to Cagayan de Oro City.

Our favorites are: Ching's World, Green Tea, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Cagayan de Oro City, Papoy, Moira Trinity Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, Cebu are all in the Philippines in the world of Ching.

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