Panem et circenses
Bread and circuses. Watching the gaudy lights that deck Divisoria like an over-sized and over-extended Christmas tree, one cannot help but think about ancient Rome and the Roman people's need for entertainment. Divisoria looks like a decked out prostitute offering easy if albeit transitory and shallow pleasures. So, nothing can be done about the traffic problem. No problem, take the people's minds out of that problem and give them lights, big ones and make these lights super-brilliant.
Night Cafe. More bread and circuses. I wonder where everybody goes to urinate seeing as how Divisoria has no restrooms. A keenly-observant Cagayano has pronounced that the Night Cafe which oppresses the commuters every Friday and Saturday has done nothing more than to promote prostitution. This observation is easily borne out by noticing that more and more hookers come out during this time not to mention that they are becoming younger and younger. Does anyone impose the sanction against serving alcohol to minors during Night Cafe?
The Night Cafe is a convenient excuse for minors to go about the city late at night. Do 15-yr-olds drink Tequila? One might find the answer at the Night Cafe. Still, the City government touts the Night Cafe as a big money-maker. Hooray for the City then! Hooray for bread and circuses. Rome did put on vast spectacles, of lions and gladiators who valiantly proclaimed, "We, who are about to die, salute you". All of these for a populace inured to human suffering and blind to everything but their own gratification. So, Caesar gave the people what they wanted until Rome imploded and lost its grandeur.
Internet Scams notwithstanding, Ching Recommends visiting Dumaguete, Lilliput's, Victor's Directories.